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Bankruptcy – The Ultimate Guide

Published: 15 December 2023

Three piggy banks with a magnifying glass looking at the Ultimate Bankruptcy Guide

Find out the answers to many of the most common questions about bankruptcy in England and Wales. What are the implications if you go bankrupt and how will you be affected?


Who can go bankrupt?

Almost anyone can go bankrupt. It doesn’t matter if you’re employed, self employed, not currently working or retired. It is also suitable regardless of age. Therefore, bankruptcy could be right for you.

Generally speaking, all of the unsecured debt you owe will be written off. This includes money owed to HMRC, benefits overpayments, utility arrears and CCJs.

There is no upper or lower limit to the amount of debt you can include. In other words, you can use this solution whether you owe just a few thousand pounds or many hundreds of thousands.

If appropriate, you can cancel your current debt solution (such as a Debt Management Plan or IVA) and switch to bankruptcy. This might be sensible if your current solution is not working for you.

How long will you be bankrupt for?

You will be bankrupt for just 12 months. After 1 year, you will be automatically discharged. This means that you are no longer a bankrupt person or subject the the restrictions of bankruptcy.

After you have covered all of your reasonable living expenses, you may have a surplus income. You will have to pay 100% of the surplus to the Official Receiver. This is called an Income Payment Agreement (IPA). If you get an IPA it will last for 3 years.

A record of your bankruptcy will show on your credit file for 6 years from the start date. Your credit rating will become poor because of this. However, after you are discharged, you can start to improve your credit score by taking some actions. For example, you can start using a credit repair credit card.

In rare cases, the Official Receiver can extend the length of your bankruptcy. This would normally only happen if you fail to respond to the Official Receiver’s requests for information.

How much does it cost to go bankrupt?

If you decide to go bankrupt, you will have to pay the standard Government application fee. In England and Wales the fee is currently £680

Everyone has to pay the same amount. There is no discount if you are on a low income or on benefits.

You can pay in instalments of as little as £5. However, you will not be able to submit your application and go bankrupt until the fee is paid in full.

You are allowed to borrow the money you need to pay the fee. This could be from a family member or friend or – as a last resort – by using your credit card or overdraft facility.

What happens to your car in bankruptcy?

Given your car is worth £1500 or less, you will be allowed to keep it as long as you need it. If you don’t need it or it is your second vehicle, it is likely it will have to be handed over to the Official Receiver (OR).

Red car showcasing what happens to your car within the Bankruptcy Expert ultimate bankruptcy guide

If your vehicle is worth more than £1500, you can still keep it. However, a third party (family member or friend) would have to pay the difference. If you don’t have anyone who can raise the funds, the OR will sell it and give you £1500 to buy a replacement. 

Where your car is on finance and the amount still owing is greater than the value, the OR will not be interested. This means that as long as you maintain your finance payments and the finance company agrees, you should be able to keep your vehicle.

You could sell your car before you go bankrupt as long as you get market value. The funds raised can then be used to buy a cheaper replacement and to cover other costs such as the application fee.

You may be allowed to keep a slightly more expensive vehicle if you are self employed and it is a tool of your trade. For example, a work van or a registered taxi.

What happens to your house?

When you go bankrupt, you don’t automatically have to sell your house. However, whether you will be able to keep it will depend on how much equity there is in it.

If there is no equity in your property, the Official Receiver (OR) has no financial interest in it. You are therefore likely to be able to keep it. Remember, you must keep paying the mortgage because it is a secured debt which is not written off.

One of the main issues with bankruptcy is if you do have equity in your home. This is because the OR has to realise your share. In other words, they have to get their hands on a cash sum equivalent to the value of your share.

You will have the option to raise the required funds from a family member or friend. But if if this is not possible, your property may have to be sold in order to release them.

Understanding how bankruptcy will affect your house is complicated. Because of this, you should get advice from us first before deciding whether it is the right option for you.

Can you have a bank account?

The good news is you are allowed to have a bank account while you are bankrupt. However, it must be a basic account.

A basic bank account will give you all the banking facilities you need to manage your money. For example, you get a debit card. In addition, you will have access to internet banking. Furthermore, you will be able to set up standing orders and direct debits as normal. However, the account will not give you access to any credit facilities.

If the account you are using at the moment is a current one, it will almost certainly be closed by the bank. You should therefore be prepared. Ideally open a new basic account and start using it before you submit your application.

Most banks are able to offer you a basic account. You can open one with your current bank or move to another. Generally speaking you should move if you have debts with your bank which will be included in your bankruptcy

Once you are bankrupt, you will manage your money and household expenses as normal. The Official Receiver does not have access to, or control over, your account.

Will your credit rating ever get better after bankruptcy?

The record of your bankruptcy will remain on your credit file for 6 years. After this, it will be deleted automatically. Your credit rating will then dramatically improve as a result.

However, you can take action to improve your credit score as soon as you are discharged (after 1 year).

Once you are discharged, one of the best things you can do is to start using a credit repair credit card. As long as you pay off the balance each month, you will avoid paying any interest charges. Furthermore, you will start to build up a pattern of responsible borrowing. Consequently, your credit score will start going up.

You will be able to get a mortgage after you go bankrupt. However, you should wait until the record has come off your credit file (after 6 years). Only then will you get access to the most competitive rates.

What is an Income Payment Agreement (IPA)?

£20 note showcasing an income payment agreement within the Bankruptcy Expert ultimate bankruptcy guide

An Income Payment Agreement is where you have to make a monthly payment towards your debts. Once in place, it lasts for 3 years. In other words, it continues after your bankruptcy itself has ended. 

The Income Payment Team within the Official Receiver’s office will decide whether you will get an IPA or not.

First, they will do a review of your income and expenses budget. This will involve checking all your expenses against their guide to confirm they are reasonable. If any seem to high, they will ask to speak to you to see if they can be justified.

Once the review is complete, if they decide you have no surplus, you will not have to pay anything towards your debts each month (unless your income improves).

However, where they decide you do have a surplus, you will have to pay this to the OR month in the form of an IPA.

For this reason, it is vital that you complete your income and expenses budget correctly. Above all, your expenses budget must be accurate. If you get your figures wrong, it could result in you having to make a monthly payment you can’t afford.

Can you be self employed if you go bankrupt?

You are allowed to go bankrupt if you are self employed. You can continue to run your business after your bankruptcy starts.

There are a number of reasons why this can be a good solution if you run a business. Firstly, any tax debts the business owes to HMRC and other business related loans and debts are included and written off. Secondly, you will be allowed to keep any tools you need personally to carry out your work.

In addition, you will normally be able to keep your work vehicle even if it is worth more than £1500. However, it still can’t be of excessive value.

On the other hand, depending on the nature of your business, going bankrupt may have some significant implications.

If you use machinery or equipment, you are likely to have to pay the Official Receiver the equivalent of its value to keep it. In addition, where you lease premises, your landlord will have to be told and a new lease drawn up.

If you work for yourself, our self employed bankruptcy service is tailored specifically for you. We will ensure you are aware of all the implications for your business so that it can continue running smoothly.

   Written by James Falla

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Speech quotes

“Dear all, I can recommend the bankruptcy service provided by James Falla at Wilmott Turner. Incredibly professional and understanding to my needs and above all patient, during a particularly stressful time.

If your worried about your finances and looking for various solutions. This brilliant financial services company will take you & treat you, brilliantly through the process. Highly, highly recommend.”

David B

September 11, 2024

Speech quotes

“Can’t recommend James Falla enough. He has helped me through a very tough and stressful time and taken a lot of stress and worry away from me through the whole bankruptcy process. Thank you”

Martin B

September 6, 2024

Speech quotes

“I have been a financial advisor for 20 years. When I needed financial help, I needed to speak to someone that was empathetic, professional, and could answer my many questions. James is all of that and more. He has been patient, professional, empathetic, firm and diligent. He always responds to my phone calls and emails the same or next day. He has made what would have been the most stressful year of my life, relatively stress free.

James has been by my side for the last 18 months, and I feel I have gained a friend. I couldnt have done it without your help, so I am forever thankful.”

Dan P

August 8, 2024

Speech quotes

“Thank you James for the outstanding Bankruptcy service. I didn’t have a clue how to do this & I recommend your service to anyone a professional cost efficient great service.

Today I was discharged from bankruptcy.  At the beginning it was a nightmare but now I have a fresh start. Its amazing thank you so much, so appreciated.”

J Rudge

August 3, 2024

Speech quotes

“The advice and support I have received from James Falla has been invaluable. I found James to be respectful and understanding. At no point did I feel judged on the situation that I had found myself in financially.

With the support of James I felt incredibly more at ease to move forward with my debt solution.

I would without hesitation, highly recommend his services to anyone looking for debt advice.”

Scott D

July 31, 2024

Speech quotes

“James’s expertise and advice was invaluable. He always answered any queries promptly and made the whole bankruptcy process a lot easier than I had imagined. I highly recommend his services.”

Mark B

July 26, 2024

Speech quotes

“James, you were simply fantastic. You guided me through the process perfectly. Your manner with me was impeccable and I could not have wanted more. From the very first meeting I made you aware of my condition which can affect my understanding and you took it upon yourself to make sure I understood the options that were available to me, but more importantly, which options were appropriate for me.

The feeling of relief that this chapter of worry is behind me is down, in the most part, to yourself – had you not been so approachable, I likely would not have felt comfortable discussing my situation with you. The services you offer, and more importantly you, have put at ease the most extended and worrisome years of my life. Thank you”

Dan N

July 9, 2024

Speech quotes

“Hi James

Thanks again for your help. I know I may be hard work, but I really appreciate all your help.  I’m not sure I could have survived without you (in the literal sense). The service you offer to those going through difficult times really is life changing.

Thanks again.


Dan P

July 5, 2024

Speech quotes

“This was a very smooth process. The company was very compassionate with my needs and very supportive”

Vickie G

June 20, 2024

Speech quotes

“Had some really good debt advice from James Falla. He is really helpful. He personally went through my situation and gave me the best advice. really appreciated.”

A Lawson

June 15, 2024

Speech quotes

“I used James’s service in 2020 when I declared bankruptcy. His help was great, especially during times when I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.

Now, I had to deal with the last part of the whole experience, removing the charge from my property. James was again, extremely helpful, guiding me in the right direction and suggesting the right things to say. The charge was removed and my final offer was much lower than what they wanted me to pay initially.

Thank you very much James! A true professional that I can’t recommend enough.”

MV Faur

June 10, 2024

Speech quotes

“James, I cannot thank you enough for the hand holding and support you gave during the beginning, middle and end of the bankruptcy process. Without your assistance and support I would have literally gone mad stir crazy!!! As you are aware I will recommend your service to anyone in my position in the future.”

Doug A

June 6, 2024

Speech quotes

“Very clear and concise information. Excellent communication. Happy with all aspects.”

Nathan B

June 4, 2024

Speech quotes

“James Falla has been extremely helpful, with my application I did, for bankruptcy. He certainly did put my mind at rest, when I had questions, which I needed answering. This has certainly made the application a lot smoother, for me.”

Shelley T

May 23, 2024

Speech quotes

“James Falla supported and guided me through one of the toughest times of my life. He gave me clear advice and his service meant that I could rest assured, knowing that my insolvency application was being handled with the utmost expertise and professionalism. I am now the other side of my bankruptcy with savings and well managed credit that is gradually repairing my credit rating. Contacting Wilmott Turner was absolutely the best decision I made at that time. Thank you James.”

Anton C

April 30, 2024

Speech quotes

“I highly recommend Wilmott Turner Financial Services. James Falla has been amazing with total support, help and advice. From day one, he explained the process of my bankruptcy from start to finish and nothing was too much for him to help with. I am now discharged from my bankruptcy after 12 months and I’m overjoyed and stress free. I highly recommend anyone with financial distress to contact James.”

J Jones

April 18, 2024

Speech quotes

“After first speaking to James Falla he has put my mind at ease and helped me thoroughly with the process of going bankrupt. The service he has provided me has been exceptional and I am very happy I have had his support and knowledge to help me with the whole process.”

Ben T

April 9, 2024

Speech quotes

“Great advice and support during my bankruptcy. I will share your services with others. Thank you!”

AB Patrice

April 2, 2024

Speech quotes

“James Falla was fantastic. From start to finish he explained everything very clearly. Can’t thank him enough for what he did.”

Hannah R

March 27, 2024

Speech quotes

“James has been absolutely brilliant, he really knows his stuff and has helped me in finding the best debt solution for my own personal circumstances. I was in a very dark place before I found James, and he helped me see that there was hope and light at the end of the tunnel. He didn’t judge and doesn’t just read off a script! I don’t know where I would be now without him. A very heartfelt thank you and I would definitely recommend him.”

Natalie B

March 19, 2024

Speech quotes

“James, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your invaluable support and guidance throughout the process of resolving my complex financial situation.

I cannot emphasize enough how much your professionalism and friendliness meant to me during this challenging time. Your willingness to listen attentively to my concerns and provide prompt, thorough responses to my inquiries alleviated much of the stress I was experiencing.

Your openness and transparency throughout the process were greatly appreciated and helped me feel reassured every step of the way.  I wholeheartedly recommend your services to anyone facing similar challenges. Your support has made a significant difference in my life.”

JB Mafa

March 13, 2024

Speech quotes

“From my initial enquiry, looking for advice in a very difficult situation was made so easy by the expertise and knowledge of James Falla. James was always at the end of the phone to reassure me, answer my questions and offering advice, even at the weekends!

His support and guidance throughout the whole bankruptcy process has been invaluable and reduced any stress and anxieties and helped me sleep at night and not worry.

The fees are very fair for the level of support & advice provided, and a small price to pay to know you’ve done everything right. Thank you James! Sarah.”

Sarah M

March 11, 2024

Speech quotes

“Hi James, Thank you for your advice. I’m at the end of my IPA agreement.  I can’t thank you enough. Thank you.”

Paul B

March 4, 2024

Speech quotes

“James Falla really helped me get through a very difficult time. He guided me through the process and was with me at every step. Personable and professional, I strongly recommend he and his services.”

Nav G

March 1, 2024

Speech quotes

“I have received exceptional service from James Falla. His knowledge and guidance through a very stressful time has been exemplary. He has continued to provide advice and support throughout my insolvency period.

Without a doubt he has provided excellent value for money and I would very much recommend his services. I would not advise going through any of the available debt processes without his help.”

J Sharp

February 21, 2024

Speech quotes

“I’m thankful for James Falla’s wonderful support through the bankruptcy process. I recommend his services to anyone in financial difficulties. Thanks.”

Joel Boah

February 20, 2024

Speech quotes

“Hi James, I’m really so relieved about the result of your help with my bankruptcy. Now that I’ve had a short while for it to sink in, I know it really is going to change my life! Your absolute confidence and support throughout the whole procedure, carried out over just a few weeks was really great. I couldn’t have managed very well on my own and would definitely have got bogged down with it all. Your fee has been worth absolutely every penny.

Although it was obviously my mismanagement which caused all the problems, I’d arrived in a position which I couldn’t cope with and you’ve helped me totally deal with it.

Many thanks again! A fresh start as they say, which can happen at any age : )”


February 15, 2024

Speech quotes

“Thank you to James Falla for your invaluable help in taking the stress away from a very difficult situation. Your help with my bankruptcy has been amazing and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

Ian E

February 14, 2024

Speech quotes

“James Falla has helped me tremendously through what has been one of the most daunting experiences of my life. He answered all my questions and offered reassurance when necessary.

For anyone who is facing or considering bankruptcy, I urge you to make the call to James. You will not regret doing so.”

Paul A

February 1, 2024

Speech quotes

“Very pleased with the service and advice, would highly recommend. Makes and stressful experience manageable. Having James Falla to talk it all through with really helps.”

Elly O

January 22, 2024

Speech quotes

“Hi James. Thanks again for all your help with my bankruptcy, you’ve been worth every penny and some!! I’d have been in a right pickle without your assistance. You’ve been so much help through this depressing time. 2 more weeks and I will be free of this bankruptcy and can start moving forward with my life. Thanks again mate 👍🏻”

Ben R

January 15, 2024

Speech quotes

“Hi James, thanks very much for your message about my discharge from Bankruptcy, that really good news.

I would like to sincerely thank you once again for your help, you made a very stressful situation much more bearable for both myself and Sue, and of course should the requirement arise I won’t hesitate to recommend you.”

Paul T

January 5, 2024

Speech quotes

“James Falla is a great guy who explained everything to me in a simple and easy to understand way. I was able to get in touch with him quickly when I had any concerns. Everything with my bankruptcy happened just as he had predicted. Absolutely great services from him and of course the company. Outstanding.”

Steven H

January 3, 2024

Speech quotes

“James has been absolutely fantastic and helpful throughout the whole pross. He has been an absolute hero.”

Johnathan N

November 29, 2023

Speech quotes

“James Falla was brilliant. He talked me through everything and made the whole bankruptcy process stress free and easy to understand. I’d highly recommend his service to anyone in need going forward in the future.”

Brian B

November 9, 2023

Speech quotes

“Hello James. Thank you for the confirmation of discharge from bankruptcy, it feels good to have that weight off my mind. I’d like to thank you personally for making it a lot less scary than I imagined! Your service and down to earth manner was refreshing and dispelled any anxieties I had about the whole process. I have, and will continue to recommend you as a Financial Advisor if I hear of anyone in the same position as I was. I wish you all the best in the future, and if I need further assistance, you’ll be the first port of call. “

Gerry C

October 30, 2023

Speech quotes

“Hi James, Hope you are well. Thank you so much for your help last year, I honestly couldn’t of done it without you. You solved all of our problems and made things a whole lot easier. I dread to think what our situation would be now if we hadn’t of gone through the bankruptcy process! Thanks again!”


October 25, 2023

Speech quotes

“Fantastic service from start to finish. Most professional and helpful company I’ve ever dealt with. James Falla made the bankruptcy process feel easy and comfortable. Thank you for all your assistance.”

David E

October 19, 2023

Speech quotes

“James Falla was really pleasant and friendly to talk to and there when needed. Any questions answered. I would definitely recommend his services.”

S Smallwood

October 9, 2023

What we can do

Piggy bank floating in water with coins. Losing savings. Unstable economy, recession concept.

Assistance with going Bankrupt

  • Application form completed correctly
  • Preparation for Official Receiver interview
  • Ongoing 12 month support


Pink piggy bank with eyeglasses and calculator

Self Employed Bankruptcy

  • Business income and expenses forecast
  • Bank account advice
  • On-going support with 3 line accounts


Piggy bank with question marks to represent questioning whether to switch from an IVA to Bankruptcy.

Switch from IVA to Bankruptcy

  • Help with cancelling IVA
  • Support through bankruptcy process
  • On-going support during bankruptcy 
Financial Money Advice. Saving In 401K. Piggybank Deposit

Support if Already Bankrupt

  • Completion of PIQB questionnaire
  • Preparation for OR interview
  • Assistance with OR info requests